Concealed Carry + Bathroom = Solved

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The Problem🚨

Forgetting your gun in the bathroom.

Navigating the bathroom with a firearm is cumbersome. People often take the easiest approach which is placing the gun down at Massive Risk of forgetting it. There is a better way -> Stallster.

The Solution ✅


Your Physical Concealed Carry Insurance

Stallster ensures that your gun never leaves your person when using the restroom. It is easy to use, lightweight, and out of sight. Going to the bathroom with a firearm is now simple. No more juggling with your gun. No more fear of leaving it behind.

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"Who could possibly forget their gun?"

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How to Use Stallster

How to Wear Stallster

Stallster easily becomes a necessity for your EDC. Wearing Stallster is hardly noticeable and simply convenient. Choose from 3 main ways to store Stallster.

On the Belt

Wear Stallster on your belt in the natural "pocket" created by your firearm. Small, flexible and soft - you'll stop noticing it on your belt after a few minutes! Alternatively, you can wear Stallster in the 3 to 5 o'clock position.

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In Your Pocket

Easy peasy - simply remove the belt clip and store in your pocket

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In Your Purse

Calling all Ladies! Use Stallster to safely and easily secure your concealed carry firearm on your person while you use the restroom. Don't put your gun in your purse and hang it on the back of the stall door risking it being stolen! Don't set it down anywhere and risk leaving it behind. Use Stallster.

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Centered Full-Sized Images with Black Border
Man accidentally brandishing firearm in bathroom stall because of pants pulled down.

Protect yourself from illegal brandishing

So you leave your gun on your belt when you use the stall. Have you considered the risk of someone seeing it under the large opening in the stall?

1.) "Call the cops, he's got a gun!"

2.) A thief's perfect opportunity to catch you with your pants down - literally.

3.) Are you familiar with your state's laws on brandishing a weapon? Avoid this potential crime -

Use Stallster

30 Day Risk-Free Trial

Here's the deal - your MONEY is hard earned, your TRUST earned even harder - for good reason.

Try Stallster Genesis for 30 days after it's delivered to you and if you don't like it, send it back for a FULL REFUND.

We even include 1 extra Poly Mailer Shipping Bag in your order so you don't need to pay for packaging if you return!

We want to build trust in the concealed carry community.

In the spirit of Full Transparency and Trust, if you choose to return Stallster we ask that you pay for the return shipping. You can expect shipping to cost $4-$6 depending on location. This offer only applies to Stallster Genesis.

Made in the USA - Always

Our products are made in the USA, employing hardworking Americans. Stallster will never outsource manufacturing to another country even if it means saving costs (hint, it usually does). Let's help strengthen the US economy, together.

Support USA Business


Simple. Convenient. Safe.

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Don't End up the News

There are too many examples of people who have made the massive mistake of forgetting their firearm in a public bathroom. Don't make the same mistake.

Use Stallster.

Want to increase Comfort and Concealment when you carry?

The Stallster Pillow (SP) attaches to the back of your holster to increase comfort and concealment. SP is large enough to cover most of your holster's hard plastic increasing comfort unlike competitor holster pillows. SP was designed to be a One-Size-Fits-All from sub-compact guns all the way to full-size, sidecar/rig holsters with an extra magazine.