Our Mission & Story

Stallster's Mission

Protect, Equip, and Simplify the Lives of Responsible Conceal Carrying Americans.

Our Story

Stallster was born out of a concealed carry journey. Michael (the founder of Stallster) experienced frequent frustration with navigating the bathroom with a concealed firearm. There were times he tried the method of placing the holstered firearm down in the stall and realized how much of a risk this poses. He thought, "there's got to be a better way to deal with this."

Michael took his curiosity and struggles to the internet and Googled "how to use the bathroom while concealed carrying" and "gun left in bathroom".

He was shocked at the results.

The more Michael researched he came across many different techniques people use to navigate the bathroom with a concealed firearm but there was no universal technique - almost every video he watched had a different proposed method. He also looked for a product he could buy to solve this problem and found nothing.

The more he searched, he saw how many other people were asking "how do I use the bathroom while concealed carrying" online. He realized this is a common issue and risk that the concealed carriers face. After reading many news articles talking about people who made the grave mistake of forgetting their gun in the bathroom, Michael finally thought:

"Why is this not being taken more seriously?"

This question and frustration is where Stallster was born from. Stallster eliminates the serious risk that concealed carriers face of forgetting their loaded guns in the bathroom and Stallster simplifies the process of navigating the bathroom with a concealed firearm with an easily repeatable process.

Centered Full-Sized Images with Black Border
Stallster family photo

Small Family Business

Michael and his beautiful wife Christine decided to take the leap of
faith into entrepreneurship. Michael left his former cybersecurity
career to build Stallster who's mission is to simplify and protect the
lives of responsible concealed carrying Americans.

Don't Forget your gun in the bathroom

Increase Comfort and Concealment