Our Mission & Story

Stallster's Mission

Protect, Equip, and Simplify the Lives of Responsible Conceal Carrying Americans.

Our Story

Stallster was born out of 2 life events.

1.) The founder, Michael, dangerously asked himself the question "What do I want to be when I grow up?" (at age 29 married and with 1 son)

2.) Michael made the grave mistake of forgetting his gun in the bathroom. Mea Maxima Culpa.

As Michael dreamed how he wanted to provide for his family and reflected on the egregious mistake he accidentally made, a thought passed "Can I buy something to fix this problem? I never want to make this mistake again. It could ruin my life, my families', and somebody's else's."

After searching and searching he was surprised to find nothing. Yet, the more he searched, he saw how many other people were asking "how do I use the bathroom while concealed carrying" online. "Huh, so this really is a problem people struggle with" he thought. Michael began to ask his friends who conceal carry what their experiences have been with navigating the bathroom. To his surprise, some confessed to forgetting their firearms in private and public bathrooms, and some had made the mistake multiple times! 

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Why is this not being taken more seriously?"

This frustration is where Stallster was born from. Stallster eliminates the serious risk that concealed carriers face of forgetting their loaded guns in the bathroom. As well, Stallster massively simplifies the challenge of navigating the bathroom with a concealed firearm.

Centered Full-Sized Images with Black Border
Stallster family photo

Small Family Business

Michael and his beautiful wife Christine decided to take the leap of
faith into entrepreneurship. Michael left his former cybersecurity
career to build Stallster who's mission is to simplify and protect the
lives of responsible concealed carrying Americans.

Don't Forget your gun in the bathroom

Increase Comfort and Concealment